WES DVD - Collecting Old Writing Instruments

WES DVD - Collecting Old Writing Instruments

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  • Description

    This DVD was made of the Address at its WES AGM on 21st November 2015. In it, Dr Jim Marshall, distils his experience of 30 years of collecting with his usual style, breadth of knowledge and humour. Amongst the topics he covers areas to collect, writers and writing, how collecting evolved, timelines, information, sourcing, what makes an item special. He has included choice examples from his own collection and books that he has authored.

    The presenter,Jim Marshall of the Pen & Pencil Gallery, is author of many books on writing equipment and co-author of the definitive book on Pen Repair. Jim's presentation was recorded and set to Jim's slides by Jeremy Collingridge, WES Librarian. An insert is provided with the DVD summarising the slides

    Total running time is 1 hour and 8 minutes

    This DVD is ©WES and no part of it may be copied, reproduced in any form, publically broadcast or used in any information storage or retrieval system without the express written authority of the Writing Equipmet Society and author(s).

Categories: WES DVDs

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